Tisha B'Av 5780
Husband here. Doesn't take much to say that this Tisha B'Av is VERY DIFFERENT than the one I had last year. Could it still be meaningful? Could I/we still feel the pain of the destruction when there is so much other pain around us? Is "virtually mourning" an adequate substitute for the real thing in front of real people and seeing with my own eyes what is missing? I will attempt to answer these questions, but above all, and I find it interesting that no one I listened to today or last night mentioned this, in one way it is easier to connect this year because just about all of us are experiencing Churban - destruction. Our shuls, while the buildings may still physically exist, they are merely shells. We can't gather in them, and our reading of Eichah/Lametnations in the streets, allowed me to vividly imagine the singing of the same Lamentation the first time it was sung in the streets immediately following the destruction of the Temple. I'm not one to read in...