Givat Savyon, Beit Shemesh

Been asked frequently about the shul we go to in Beit Shemesh -- wanted to share information about the SAVYON area which is attracting Anglo families looking for a house with a yard (either private or du-mishpachti). Anglo Shul: | **Features Tefilat Yeladim and shiurim for women / men. Kiddush on Shabbat rosh chodesh. There's also two Sephardic shuls. New park down Shvil Hacharuvim & Apple Park, close to Beit Shemesh library and Matnas, buses to Tel Aviv and Jerusalem Closest Grocery Store: Achim Yaa'kobi on Ha-Brosh St, Beit Shemesh. Next closest, Super Hatzlacha. MMM Grill The other day we went to Bakefshelanu that is on Hanurit. Nothing like a 5 p.m. run before Shabbat for grape juice. Was pleasantly surprised by how clean and organized that store was and had to resist buying Milano milk chocolate cookies (Super Hatzlacha only sell dark chocolate and Best Market in RBS has mint...just sayin'). Rental prices for a house: approx 6,200 shekel / mo + Home purchase prices: 2.1+ Walking distance to Sheinfeld: approx 7 minutes downhill, 10 minutes uphill (depending on your pace). Transportation to Orot Banim / Banot: there's a hasa'a (ride). There are Ganim throughout. MO Girls High School Gila and Noga (RBS area), etc. Very warm, welcoming community. Diverse. The Rabbi is Shalom Kurtz, who has YU background. Google map of location:
Samples of Real Estate (to purchase, as of 7/2/2020): Samples of Real Estate (for rent, as of 7/2/2020): 2.5 room on Haa'razim 054-224-4707 Local kosher bakery: The Bakery Boutique - Local restaurant in Savyon - MMM Grill + Makolet (above the grocery store mentioned above). Hotel: Pizza by Super Hatzlacha, Chalav U'Devash and they deliver throughout.
Same with Falafel store, Ahava Ve' Achva.

Local mikvah in Givat Sharet area and in Sheinfeld for women. There's also a new building project being built, known as Savyon Eilit. It will be 3 new tall buildings with 24 floors and closer within the Hadekel/Hanurit streets, 4 buildings comprised of 10 floors. A shul, a central playground. A gan. This is the mayor, Aliza Bloch's project and they anticipate 2-3 years for it to be built. The buildings will have underground parking and Shabbat elevator. Project book can be found here: For details contact Matan at +972-54-439-7049. Whatsapp group for the Greater Savyon area:

We've been asked what our longer term plans are....

Here's the thing, and Nefesh b' Nefesh should make a survey of this. When you have children who make amazing amazing friends, and just moved 6,000 miles away, although the country is small, it still depends on age on when you can make a shift. At a certain point you also appreciate the comforts and amazing people around you. It takes time to find a network of friends (no, a Whatsapp group does not count) and who you can lean on. Corona has definitely made things slightly more complicated in finding the absolute groove at shul and to continue meeting new people. It's a little bit like being frozen in time....

At this point, with our soon to be 9 year old, he thankfully acclimated so well. And when we walk our daughter to school, or she has friends that run in and out of the house, they are the type of children you want to see growing together and sharing life's milestones (awww, yes. True). It would be interesting to have a survey to figure out what percentage of Olim stay in the areas they land.

As we always stated, and still feel, Israel has every type of Jew. The real estate also varies, where you can control a lot more "financial levers," as we like to call it. In Beit Shemesh, every street, to hilltop has a different vibe and flavor. Sometimes also every street! Often Beit Shemesh is confused for Ramat Beit Shemesh...but once you are here, you realize the differences. And there are really great amenities within this area, such as the train, Ikea, soon a hospital of our own. More to come. Hope this post helps for the increased interest of those who are living here and want to find affordable housing, or for prospective Olim who only hear of specific areas due to word-of-mouth but aren't on the ground yet to witness the flow. Be'hatzlacha and WELCOME HOME!


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