We are fortunate to be moving in 5 days (wow!) right around the corner to another rental house in the project. And the next big focus is, we hope, a permanent home that we can call our own.
Words I shared with our current neighbors before exiting the group chat:
Dear neighbors:
Before things get busy... we want to express our sincere gratitude for the warmth, kindness and support that you showed us throughout the year. We feel fortunate not to move too far (Sun, Aug 2 to 30א on ראובן).
Befitting words to our street and thoughts as we approach 9 be'av (may it be our last 🙏) -
Devarim perek 33 pasuk 12 states "לבנימין אמר ידיד ה' ישכן לבטח עליו חפף עליו כל היום ובן כתפיו שכן."
Rambam goes on to explain the meaning of 'Yedid Hashem.' Why is Hashem described as a friend? And how does this fit into the bracha Binyamin received?
When we help one another and our community the שכינה resides amongst us, consequently friendships begin to blossom and grow. We choose our friends, and Hashem, chooses us. The Tribe of Binyamin was blessed to have the promise for the temple to be rebuilt in its nachala, a dwelling where we can flourish as individual families and as a community - - true Yedidim and שכנים.
As in this very pasuk, you've emulated the namesake of this street, providing support with deep sincerity and kindness. And in that merit, may we see the return of our בנין עדי עד, celebrating good moments together and simchas. Wishing health, geula shleima and continued love to am yisrael.
Please continue to be in touch,
The Vogel Family 🌸
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