Coronavirus Pregnancy Vaccine

These three search words, "coronavirus pregnancy vaccine," have been on my top Google search for the past two months. Either waiting to share bad news or reinforce the decision to get vaccinated. You see, I'm one of the 100,000+ pregnant women and counting who will #notdelay their shot. More states are now prioritizing the vaccine to pregnant women, as the risks are becoming apparent with intubation for the mother, and pre-term delivery (and some babies sadly not making it).

The experience today was a bit nutty. There were 3 nurses in different rooms giving out the vaccine. A teenager, aged 16 was going for her second dose. Upon asking what the driving force was for her, it was the promise of not being put again into isolation. There also seemed to be a peer component, which was interesting. Given that our family has miraculously dodged isolation, the psychological impact is one we didn't personally have to do with. But the rationale makes complete sense. 

Furthermore, after a pregnant woman in Israel (who did not take the vaccine) got sick with coronavirus and delivered a stillborn at 25 weeks (that showed the virus had passed through the placenta to her baby -- something the Doctors here had said they have not seen till now -- or perhaps it just wasn't tested or reported) this was enough to convince me to go ahead with the second jab. Whether this was a rare case given the mutation or whatever factor, just isn't worth the chance. My heart goes out to all of these women. It is SO hard being pregnant during a pandemic. 

Even with this measure of vaccination, we, at the Vogel household will social distance, wear masks, and not return to any sense of what was the norm for some time. But it's a step, hopefully, in the right direction. 

Please, if you can consider getting the vaccine, do so not just to help yourself but to protect others. We  don't all share the same immune systems.

Best wishes for health and sanity.

Love, from Israel.


First dose reactions: metallic mouth taste, fatigue, tingling in arm
Second dose reactions: metallic mouth taste


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