Drive 30 minutes south of Beit Shemesh, pass the hills of the Rama (short for Ramat Beit Shemesh), and you will find flat meadows that appear endless. Kind of like a scene of the Little House on the Prairie. The terraine is so green, while listening to Shabbat music on the radio you can't help but think "wow, זוהי ארץ נהדרת" (this is an amazing land). We spent shabbat in Carmei Gat, a newly developed town under the municipality of Kiryat Gat (kind of like what Washington DC is to Silver Spring - - especially when Woodside started and there wasn't a dedicated building). The government is investing efforts in this new community as the next hub of the South, that it will be approximately the size of Moddiin. To give directions, this literally is yashar yashar yashar ve smola. A mix of Anglo families and Israelis, there is a very nice balance of culture, out of town vibe where people ask where you are from, streets that make sense, quiet a...
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