Nefesh B'nefesh

The other day we went to a Nefesh B'Nefesh Aliyah Tova event. It was the first of its kind for past Olim and those who just moved from 2019. Buses were organized from major cities and since the only other family outing we managed was week one at the Western Wall (the Kotel), this seemed like a perfect opportunity to 'walk' all around Israel. I met my college roommate soon after getting to the check in center at Mini Israel and recognized a few other past friends. Since we flew direct from Boston, it was nice to have been a part of the welcoming party and seeing the Director of Nefesh B'Nefesh, Rabbi Yehoshua Fass on the premises.

With Nefesh B'Nefesh over 100 employees, and a good amount represented at the event, when I was asked to interview about our aliyah experience, it was a no brainer. Asked how I would describe Nefesh B'Nefesh's services in one word I replied: accessibility.

What do I mean by this?

1) Nefesh B'Nefesh created an online portal to upload files that works with the Jewish agency. Every family (or single) is given an aliyah advisor. Be aware that there's a lot of paper work. Emails to Nefesh B'Nefesh roughly have a 24 hour wait period. They will get back to you -- !

2) Using marketing tactics, Nefesh B'Nefesh has personalized the aliyah experience (what we call in the marketing world - personas) so that people like you, and me, can see ourselves rising up to the challenge. Maybe it's a friend we have seen who made it past the tarp of Ben Gurion Airport or whatever else. We start to wonder if we too can be that person...and with inspiring stories of others, that Nefesh B'Nefesh highlights, we end more (more times than not) filling in that checkbox.

3) Prior to the move and upon arrival, we met (or rather Skyped) a Nefesh B'Nefesh representative associated with our area of moving. This was very helpful in getting questions answered such as, how we transfer money from Israel to America and what is Aruchat Eser (literally meaning 10 am meal - - kids get hungry here). We met her in person at the airport.

4) I found my job at Israel365 posted on the Nefesh B'Nefesh job board. Finding the job listed prior to aliyah, I applied but didn't hear back. I applied again once we arrived to Israel. A friend helped bring my application to the attention of my employer. Interviewed one day and the next afternoon given an offer. We landed in Israel July 8, 2019. I started the position August 4, 2019. In any case, highly recommend doing research prior and upon arrival. Also consider how far you are willing to travel. Transitioning is a process and we are lucky that one of us works from home.

5) Nefesh B' Nefesh has a great community description portal, but be aware that you will activily have to find a place to live. In our experience, we narrowed down to a place where (a) there would be Anglos, English speakers for a smoother transition and (b) have friends that could answer our questions to discoveries they themselves have made. You will have little questions like, what's the equivalent of Lysol wipes in Israel. Try to identify some network for yourself.

6) Nefesh B'Nefesh has support post aliyah, such as, if you are looking to relocate, they host a community fair, typically in April (this seems late, but rentals pop up last minute in Israel -- house purchasing works differently). 

One thing for sure, the organization has given aliyah a positive face and for that, the adventure a closer reality in which we can all say, "hm, I can do that!"

Thank you Nefesh B'Nefesh for making dreams come true.

Just want to take the opportunity to give a shout out and thanks to our over 300 readers! We feel so very honored that the blog is active and helpful to many. Thank you for following our journey. Come visit soon!

There's a lot going on in the news, and we are sure it seems very large and frightening. Consider ways in which you can channel those feelings to support Israel. One such campaign, is to help the Shenrav family or hospitals in the Sderot area. The closest we had yesterday was to a forest fire within Beit Shemesh and we witnessed planes flying very low to the ground to stop the fire. That was a little crazy!


This post is our own reflection and not sponsored by Nefesh B'Nefesh, though we thank Ari Shuchman, Adina Bennett, Miriam Naiman, the Jewish Agency and El Al airlines.

The Vogel Family, Sharon, MA >> Beit Shemesh, Israel


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