Yesterday's excitement was synthetic grass that we are so thrilled the landlords agreed to put down. From the desert sands of Israel, the green charmed the children, sitting on our patio chairs, sipping ice water and marveling at the setting sun. Mud now won't get into the house as the awaiting rainy season will arrive in the late Fall. We've missed our yard in Sharon, and while the size isn't the same, the pro is no mowing, weed pulling and lawn service.
Pros and cons. Are we happy?
It's easy to cover up Israel's social and operational annoyances. The saying "savlanut lo konim beshum chanut" (patience isn't bought at any store) is true. As I waited for a manager at Superpharm to load up and print out my receipt from two days prior to make a return (yes, lady, you can do that even though you said you can't, but customer service over the phone said it is possible), I thought of an idea that would make loads on money in Israel. Of course, I didn't write it down and forgot it. In case you thought Israel is perfect, here we go:
Ideas for improvement:
1) Spring loaded toilet seats (ask Josh about this one)
2) Non Chinese knock off anything (many products are made in China here)
3) Amazon. Bring it. Now.
4) Credit cards that work like normal credit cards (the system is very different here)
5) Buses that properly get along and transfer Rav Kav money
6) Buss offices that sell the Rav Kav loading machines that the internet says they sell
7) Good challah (we still need to identify where this is sold - lots of bread here)
8) Properly seasoned French fries
9) Cheap gasoline
10) Curbside recycling (this is a necessary improvement -- so much waste!)
11) Sidewalk ramps (we've discussed and shared this prior)
12) Good cell phone reception
13) Contractors that clean up after themselves (OK if it was America, no one would ever hire them)
14) Natural gas piped into your home
15) Good mail service (I'm still waiting for a magnet ordered second week of July to arrive)
Now for the positive and reminder that you have to laugh a little:
1) Door to door chopped liver. As Josh would call it deLIVERy
2) Tons of kosher cheese
3) Sunsets
4) Public transportation
5) Shuls
6) Torah (shabbos reading pamphlets, shiurim every night and morning)
7) Washing stations
8) The equivalent of Christian rock on the radio except it is all Jewish
9) Double sinks
10) Scenery
11) Kolbo Yechezkel
12) No day school tuition
13) Consistent weather
14) Parks
15) Kids in the streets
16) Fast davening
17) Amazing whole food markets
18) Guilt-free hot showers on Shabbat (ask your local Orthodox rabbi)
19) Milki heaven. More than what they ship to the USA
20) Amazing pizza
It's Friday. About to make chicken soup, unload the last suitcase thanks to another aliyah couple that moved to another rental and thought to give us, at no charge, a large wardrobe.
And yes, despite these differences and keeping it real, we are happy. There's nowhere else like Israel.
Ve Shavu Banim (be'emet) LigVulam.
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