
"Don't look back," my good friend who made aliyah last summer, wrote me.

The Jewish Agency approved our move on May 22. Everything has REALLY now been going into motion.

As I sat on the stairs of a gorgeous summer home my mom rented for the night, I couldn't help but think about opportunities and regrets (for those NYers and NJers I highly recommend this slice of paradise).

The weekend started by celebrating our new son with a kiddush for those who could not attend the bris. Setting up our  living/dining room with 16-18 chairs, I wondered if I would have an opportunity to do that someday in Israel. We love entertaining and hosting, always attempting to invite and keep an open door policy.

Truth is in 10 New England years, I can count the amount of times I've been able to see family or them to me. The mixed emotions of happiness and sadness I hope are more the first than the other, given the independent choices made over a great length of time.

I will miss Thanksgiving for one of those reasons - - we always reserved it (except for one or two years) to be in Nj. The Macy's day parade, turkey and the weather changing. The start of Christmas lights. The very American traditions that in time will dissipate.

It was so beautiful having everyone by us in Sharon, I nearly had to pinch myself to remember how rare and special these moments are. They really seldom happened.

I wondered as I sat on the stoop if 6,000 miles will really make that much of a difference. I began to note in my head all the holidays we've grown accustom to making alone. We should be fine... right? 

As I marveled the looks of such a beautiful house, I felt most certain I'd never leave - good I don't own it! Our last Memorial Day in the USA was very memorable indeed and I wished my Dad would have been able to be there. Somehow since his passing the last two houses were the nicest in all the years.

Watching and listening to the waves the very next morning, I remembered myself standing in Tel Aviv my year in seminary, staring at the depth, length of the ocean and contemplating distances.

Forty or so days to go. Our flight from Boston to Israel will be on July 7 and lift movers coming June 12. We will rent a couch, a queen bed, bring twin beds from our basement up (later to donate or throw away) for the kids. Been marking down no-pot/frying pan meals and the things we need to buy from Ikea, Costco and other recognizable items till we find Israeli brands we like.

The distance will be immeasurable in so many ways. It will be different, but as my brother in law said if we view it as a journey it will be that much better. 


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