A house is just a house. I believed this rather strongly the past two years, having seen the hardest life transition of a father passing and a mother shortly after fighting cancer, now thank G-d on the mend (thanks to all your continued prayers and with the advancement of science, bi'h). The other day we signed our purchase and sale to a young Jewish couple who moved from France three years ago to the United States. They live close to the area and hope to start and raise a family in Sharon. The letter they attached with their offer resonated with me. It concluded with "we hope you will make the right decision for us BH." Our house was on the market for less than three weeks (maybe two). And it all happened so fast. The Jewish Agency approved us around May 22nd. The house got an offer around that time too. The lift was scheduled. Family in Israel asked us to get more serious as to what we plan to do after we land (right, that part... Oops). The very next day I was asked...