
Showing posts from April, 2019




Sunday April 7 I went to shul to say kaddish for my father. Friday April 12 I went to work unknowingly in labor and we bh bih welcomed a baby boy that night. First day Pessach, the bris. Second days Yom Tov, yizkor. Monday morning April 29, staging for listing, followed by open house in a few days and passport photos for our newest family member. It's all been so surreal and an emotional roller coaster. We are much deeper into the process. Often I like to think in my head that there's more time, but it truly is fleeting. It's also something my anxious mind does saying "not to worry, it's 6 months from now" then it becomes 3, until the day arrives, reality hits and my kishkes tumble. But I'm envisioning a scenario that's entirely opposite to thinking positively than negatively. The outpouring of love from the community from gifts to meals makes us feel immensely grateful and wonder in anticipation if we will be so lucky to form such tig...


"Ima, why are you getting rid and selling things?" my son asked sheepishly this morning. Yesterday I had posted the sled (photographed earlier in this blog with their sweet faces) along with firewood and tools for our fireplace. Funny to think, but we won't be needing that in Israel. And I had always wanted a house with a fireplace -- very American. Our realtor dropped by earlier in the day to take a look at what needs to be rearranged for staging. Luckily only a few tweaks.Sitting in the alcove of our living room, we both seemed to take in the magnitude of what's going on and the transition ahead. The cute little playhouse (see below) also sold the very next day. A little bit of stress arises too -- there's a lot going on. A baby hopefully soon any day, getting ready for Pessach, clearing up the yard, figuring out what not to take and clear out what we can with this in mind and the open house when we go live on MLS.   I had trouble sleeping at night, antici...


Now that it is April 3rd, you'd think it is Spring time in Massachusetts. Guess wrong! Though there's no more snow on the ground, it is definitely cold and as I walked in to work this morning, I kept thinking how in 100 more days we will be in Israel -- a calculation Josh figured out and shared at dinner time the night before. The kids often ask when we are moving and if we are taking them. It's very sweet. Through a twist of the unexpected, Josh has a friend from his NCSY days that is also making aliyah. Encouraging him to find out their plans, I was added to a Wassap Ladies group for those going in 2019. The very next morning, someone on the group mentioned a friend looking to rent out their house in Sheinfeld and if anyone would be interested. I answered yes, and as of now, we are looking at a place, larger than what we anticipated, but in a great location. We received the contract, are waiting to see photographs, found guarantors (forgot all about that with renting! ...