
Showing posts from January, 2021


Israel offers women 35 and up (at advanced maternal age) an early anatomy scan at 15 weeks and another later scan, that they do at 18 or so weeks. The ultrasound technology used was extremely powerful that for the first time, ever, I was able to see a baby with its eyes open. It's also something that they check for (unclear as to why). In any case, upon asking why the country offers two anatomy scans versus just one, the answer received was (1) more opportunity for money (2) depending on your insurance, not all women receive it and (3) the more information received in advance can allow women to decide if they want to terminate the pregnancy. That said, getting an abortion in Israel seems to be different than it is in the United States, as here it requires approval from a termination committee. Whether one system is better than the other, could be up for debate.  At 16 - 18 weeks, a woman is also offered a second blood test to further measure risk of Down Syndrome. Sitting outside t...