Time flies when you're having fun. Hmmm...that's not exactly the case. Like everyone around the world, we have found ourselves being mommy, daddy, teacher, professionals, bakers, cleaners, all at the same time. It is both rewarding but exhausting and every day poses its own challenges (or successes). We've received surges of new work, been hit by salary cuts only to be told (thank goodness) later that the amount wouldn't be as bad as projected. For a family that just made aliyah, we feel rather stuck. The real estate market is at a standstill, making it hard to see new communities or let alone, find something to move to within your current community. Our children, who were just getting a hang of the Hebrew language are finding themselves now saying "um, um" and grasping for words. We've survived (we think) a shortage of eggs, followed by yeast and bread flour. Grocery shopping has become a spectacle with using gloves, masks. And there's the co...