Let it Go
It has been a busy week, and it is only Wednesday! With work starting here on Sundays, the rhythm is different and it takes a special shift of mindset. There's more excitement and anticipation leading towards Shabbat awaiting those days of rest. We pre-ordered chopped liver that will be shipped to our house and learned of really helpful services that do not exist in Massachusetts. For example, other than what was just noted, there is a truck box of sorts that opens on Thursday and Friday. It is called...wait for it..."The Shabbos Store" where you can buy fresh kugels, chicken, chumus and herring with different flavors. The pizza store down the block from us we also learned offers free delivery and purchase of dough (this we plan to purchase in order to help reduce waste! Recycling is different here). Real kishke is also available in Israel and that no doubt will be a part of our chulent recipe come the winter (of the places we ate so far on Shabbat, chulent was ...